"Am ieşit din mine ca să păşesc mai departe..."*MiRcEa ELiAdE(1907-1986)

marți, martie 08, 2016

Buy me a Rose... A Yellow Rose...

Bijuteriile, hainele, poşetele şi parfumurile scumpe nu pot înlocui pe nimeni...
Scriam aici, mai pe la-nceputuri, că singurele cadouri cu-adevărat pe placul inimii mele au fost un mic purceluş de Guineea, Mali (botezat prin reunirea celor două nume ale mele), primit într-un Ajun de Crăciun şi pe care l-am vegheat toată noaptea, şi buchetele cu 13 trandafiri galbeni. 
Din păcate, bărbaţii înţeleg întotdeauna prea târziu că ceea ce lor li se părea a fi extrem de complicat, era de fapt atât de simplu...  
He works hard to give her all He thinks she needs
Three car garage
Her own credit card
He pulls in late to wake her up
with a kiss goodnight
If he could only read her mind
She'd say:
Buy me a rose
Call me from work
Open a door for me,
What would it hurt?
Show me you love me by the look in your eyes
These are the little things
I need the most in my life

Now the days have gone
Two years of feeling all alone
She can't help but wonder what
He works hard to give her all He thinks she needs
Three car garage
Her own credit card
He pulls in late to wake her up
with a kiss goodnight
If he could only read her mind
She'd say:
Buy me a rose
Call me from work
Open a door for me,
What would it hurt?
Show me you love me by the look in your eyes
These are the little things
I need the most in my life

Now the days have gone
Two years of feeling all alone
She can't help but wonder what
"Buy me a rose
Call me from work
Open a door for me,
What would it hurt?
Show me you love me by the look in your eyes
These are the little things 
I need the most in my life..."
He works hard to give her all He thinks she needs
Three car garage
Her own credit card
He pulls in late to wake her up
with a kiss goodnight
If he could only read her mind
She'd say:
Buy me a rose
Call me from work
Open a door for me,
What would it hurt?
Show me you love me by the look in your eyes
These are the little things
I need the most in my lif